Why study Marketing?
The Marketing industry has undergone an exponential growth in recent years. All companies, to a greater or lesser extent, have departments or people within their teams who are responsible for performing this role. Increasingly, companies are more and more aware of how important it is for their growth to create good marketing strategies that allow them to reach their target audience and stand out from the competition.
- In 2021, marketing investment focused on advertising, communication and promotion experienced a growth in Spain of approximately 14% compared to the previous year.
- In 2021, approximately 118,000 people were working in the marketing sector in the Spanish market.
- In 2022, approximately 26% of Spanish companies stated that 10% of their revenue came from email marketing strategies.

people worked in the marketing sector in Spain
growth in 2022
million € of investment
companies engaged in marketing
We can not necessarily occupy positions only in marketing or advertising agencies, in all sectors the options for development in positions in Marketing and advertising are becoming wider and wider.
All types of companies in all fields need marketing and advertising, why? Because they all need to promote themselves, make themselves known, gain notoriety and relevance in the market, stand out from their competitors and sell their products or services.
The company is always looking for candidates with a high capacity to adapt and learn new tools.
Marketing does not stop. It evolves, implements, innovates and does so constantly. This forces the marketing professional to be attentive and willing to change, evolve and know how to detect the latest trends.