Established in 1987, EUROAULA, University School of Tourism, specializes in providing training in the Travel & Tourism industry.
Since 1997, it has been affiliated to the University of Girona (UdG), with the recognised Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism. In addition, it also offers fully recognised Master’s Degree and Postgraduate Programmes through the University of Girona Foundation.
In 2014, we signed a collaboration agreement to offer, in conjunction with the UdG and BBI, an International Double Degree in 4 years: the Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and the Bachelor’s Degree in International Hospitality & Tourism Management.
We are a higher education institution specialised in Travel & Tourism with a clear focus on teaching innovation. We train future tourism professionals by providing knowledge and studying real use cases.
Furthermore, it is a teaching centre recognised by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, to teach higher education vocational training cycles, with officially approved qualification DOGC ENS/2116/2002, 8 July.
Euroaula was established in 1987. Since 1997, we have been affiliated to the University of Girona (UdG). Our university degree and higher education vocational training courses are recognised qualifications.
At Euroaula, we feel proud to have the highest rates of integration into the employment market among the university schools of tourism affiliated to the UdG according to the AQU 2014 survey.
Our Bachelor’s degree in Tourism is fully bilingual, taught through Spanish and English. We focus on English, as it is the main language of communication in today’s global world.
Our students have the opportunity to study abroad at several European universities through the European Union’s Erasmus programmes and can complete international placements in recognised hospitality and tourism companies.

- Barcelona is a university city par excellence for the internationalization of its studies.
- Tourism is one of the most exciting and diverse sectors of the world economy.
- We offer the possibility to study and carry out work practices in different countries of the European Union and the rest of the world.
Angela Elia
Media Manager in Travel Click and professor in the Máster in Hospitality and Tourism Accommodation Management.
Anna Verdú
BARTER COO - Operations Manager | Professional Events y profesora del Máster en Dirección de Eventos y Protocolo
Antonio Rodriguez
Fundador & CEO de Efficient Happiness, Co-fundador de Moving Mind & Café con Valores, Speaker, Lawyer and Dreamer
David Valls Roig
Academic Director, Professor of Tourism Marketing, Teamwork and Leadership and tutor of the End of Degree Assignment. Professor of Training in work centers in the Vocational Training Studies.
Degree in Information Sciences, Postgraduate in Business Communication and MBA by Esade.
Elena Rubio
DMC | Spain | Portugal | Incentives | Meetings | Hotel Consultancy | Customer Experience | Virtual & Hybrid Events. Professor in the Master in Business Tourism & Events Management and Master in Direction of Events and Protocol.
Jordi Casas
Consultant and event organization. Professor & Master Thesis Director. Degree in Business Tourism & Events Management and Master in Event Management and Protocol.
Marti Garcia
Professor in the Master in Business Tourism & Events Management and Master in Hospitality and Tourism Accommodation Management.
Noemí Roig Teixidó
Digital Marketing & Uix
Nurul Ahmed
Teaching professional specialised in content based courses for undergrads, Master's programmes and in-company training. Professor in the Master in Hospitality and Tourism Accommodation Management, and Master in Business Tourism & Events Management.
Pili Malagarriga
Turismo Sostenible | RSCCiudadana | ODS | Ponente Internacional | Socialpreneur. Professor in the Master in Business Tourism & Events Management and Master in Hospitality and Tourism Accommodation Management.
Rafaela Almeida
General Manager at BlaNZ Marketing and Communication S,L. Professor in ther Master in Business Tourism & Events Management and Master in Event Management and Protocol.
Samantha González
Profesora en el Master in Hospitality and Tourism Accomodation Management
Global Digital Marketing Consultant for Tourism
Sergi Flamarique
Professor of Transport and Logistics
Extensive professional experience in the field of logistics, operations and supply chain.
Máster Coaching Social; Máster en Logística Integral y Supply Chain Management en ICIL; Administración y Dirección de Empresas en Les Heures; Máster ejecutivo en Dirección de Operaciones en EADA, Docencia de la formación profesional para la ocupación.
Sonia Nicolau
MCI Procurement Director & Life and Business Coach and professor in the Master in Business Tourism & Events Management and Master in Events and Protocol Management.
Dafne Solá Parera
Head of Language Department and English teacher.
Doctor in Humanities and Degree in English Philology.
Pia Oliván Plazaola
Head of Studies of the Degree in Tourism, Professor of Economic Dimension, Accounting, Organization and Management of Tourism Companies, tutor of the course Final Degree in Tourism.
Degree in Economics and Master in International Management by Esade.
Rosa Domínguez Galcerán
Head of the tourism department and teacher of Introduction to Tourism, Business Management of Tourism Intermediation and Tourist Transport of the Degree in Tourism. Professor of Tourism Market Structure, Tourism Marketing and Synthesis Project at the Vocational Training Studies.
Degree in History of Art and Diploma in Tourist Activities (T.E.AT.)
Bernat Lladó Mas
Professor of Tourist Destinations of the Degree in Tourism.
Doctor in Geography.
Carme Aguilar
Professor of Business and Entrepreneurship Initiative of Vocational Training Studies.
Technician in Business and Tourist Activities - TEAT. Business Tourism and Master in Business Administration.
Cecile Marcos
Professor in the Language Department in the Tourism Degree
Degree in Science of Comunication by the University of Nanterre, Paris. Diploma of Environmental Technician by the Speciliazed Training centre.
Daniela Palmeri
Professor in the Language Department in the Degree of Tourism.
Doctor in Language, catalan literature and theatrical studies by the UAB. Professor of italian language and literature.
Eduard Tapia Yepes
Professor of German in the Degree of Tourism.
PhD in German Philology, DEA / M.Phil. in Applied Linguistics, DEA / M.Phil. in Literatures and Cultures.
Francesc Iñíguez Sastre
Professor of Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques in Tourism. Professor of Tourism Accommodation Management and Management of Intermediation Entities in Vocational Training Studies.
Diploma in Business Studies.
Isabelle Pawlak
Professor of French in the Degree of Tourism
Degree in Spanish Philology (La Sorbona, París, 1994) and a master in FLE (French as a foreign language) obtained in the University Stendhal-Grenoble III in 2002.
Iwonna Dubicka
Professor in the languages department in the Tourism Degree
Degree in Teaching English as Foreign Language in the University of Cambridge. Master in Communication Studies.
Janet Castro
Professor in Degree in Tourism and Vocational Training Studies.
Doctorate in Tourism. Diploma in Tourism from the University of Girona. BA in Tourism Management from the University of Hertfordshire, Master's Degree in Tourism Management by the University of Girona.
Lluís Codinas
Professor of Human Resources in Tourism Accommodations at the program of Tourism Accommodation Management.
Degree in Psychology of Organizations and Work, and Master in Human Resources Management.
Matilde Farré Perales
Professor of Planning and Information Management and Sociocultural Dimension of Tourism of the Degree in Tourism. Professor of Tourism Products Management at the program: Travel Agencies and Event Management.
PhD in History and Bachelor in Geography and History.
Roger Garcia
Professor of English in our programs: Degree in Tourism and Vocational Training Studies.
Degree in English and Catalan Philology.
Sicong Wang
Professor of Chinese in the Torusim Degree
Degree in DEA Doctoral of Pedagogy, University of Barcelona. Doctoral student in Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona.
Sonia Garcia
Teacher of Amadeus Spain in all training programs.
Trainer Approved by Amadeus Spain and Graduate in Tourism by UOC and Euroaula. Master's Degree in Human Resource Management, EAE Business School.
Teresa Hernández
Professor of Tourism Management and Training & Work Orientation in Vocational Training Studies.
Degree in Law, Master of Legal Practice and Title of Judicial Attorney.
Velislava Simeonova
Professor in the Degree of Tourism.
Doctor in Geography, Territorial Planification and Environmental Management.
Yesica Ruiz
Professor of Sales of Tourist Services and Direction of Tourist Accommodations in Vocational Training Studies.
Diploma in Tourism in Euroaula and Master in Management and Planning of Tourist Destinations.
Aleix Salvadó
Professor of the Master's Degree in Business Tourism & Events Management, and Master's Degree in Hospitality Management.
Chief Business Development Officer at Kaptiva Sports
Angela Elia
Professor in the master of Hospitlaity and Tourism Accommodation Management. Digital Manager, Team Leader at TravelClick.
Anna Verdú
Professor in the master en Events Management and Protocol. Operations Director, Barter Partnership SL
Elena Rubio
Professor of the Master of Business Tourism and Event Management
International Sales Manager - Ovation Global DMC
Giulia Bertone
Professor of the Master of Business Tourism and Event Management
Senior Project Director - MCI GROUP - OVATION Destination Management Company - Barcelona
Jordi Casas
Professor of the Master's Degree in Business Tourism & Events Management.
Managing Director at BST Events
Jordi Plaja Portell
Professor at Master in Busines Tourism and Events Management.
Partner and Founder at IE4 Partners. -
Juan Reyna
Professor in the Master in Business Tourism and Event Management.
Director of Sales and Marketing at Hilton Barcelona.
Maite Audet
Professor of the Master's Degree in Business Tourism & Events Management.
Official Guide & Freelance Event Organizer.
Marc Alemany
Professor atl Master in Digital Marketing & eTourism, Master in Business Tourism & Events Management, i Master in Hospitality Management.
Marketing Consultant & Professor at Universitat de Girona
Marc Ambit
Professor at Master in Business Tourism and Events Management
Consultant and freelance trainer in Project Management
Nacho Ruiz
Professor of the Master's Degree in Business Tourism & Events Management, and Master's Degree in Hospitality Management.
Sales and Marketing Director at Opinat.
Pilar Navarro
Professor at Master in Business Tourism & Events Management.
Business Unit Director at Fira Barcelona
Pili Malagarriga Vallet
Professor at Master in Hospitality and Tourism Accomodation Management, and Master in Business Tourism & Events Management.
Freelance Consultant Sustainable Tourism & CSR.
Rafael de Jorge
Professor of Digital Marketing and Inbound Marketing
CEO Growtur | Columnist | Speaker
Rita Buda
Professor in the Master of Business Tourism and Event Management
Digital Marketing Manager.
Marga Claret
Professor at Master in Hospitality and Tourism Accomodation Management
Consultant at Magma Hospitality Consulting

In today’s highly competitive environment, it is important that the institution and studies we choose offer quality and are recognised. We seek continuous improvement in the educational quality of our teaching plan for all our academic programmes.
- Official recognition: Universitat de Girona and the Departament d´Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Guaranteed academic quality: quality controls of UNE-EN ISO 9001.
- Accreditation of the Bachelor’s degree in Tourism: the accreditation of the Bachelor’s Degree qualification is the establishment, by way of a site visit from the AQU (Agència per la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya).
- Links with the industry: we are part of the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools(AEHT)