Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management

The Higher Vocational Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management enables students to schedule, organise, operate and control package tours, manage specific travel departments and organise a range of events.
Higher Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management, issued by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
The duration of this course is 2 years, from September to June. It is comprised of a total of 2,000 hours including in-company work placements: 1,650 teaching hours and 350 training hours in the work centre.
At EUROAULA, we train our students according to three key principles:
- Teaching quality
- Personalized follow-up
- Internationalisation
Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management Program Summary
Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management Programme Features
Enable students to schedule, organise and advise on package tours and a range of events.
Sell accommodation as a product and participate in developing Marketing policies.
Option to complete a year abroad as part of the Erasmus+ programme with international work placement.
Acquire advanced skills in two key languages within the Reception Department, offering quality customer service.

Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management Plan of Study
- Structure of the Tourism Market
- Protocol and PR
- Travel Marketing
- Travel Destinations
- Travel Resources
- Managing Travel Products
- Selling Travel Services
- Managing Travel Agencies
- Foreign Language: English
- 2nd Foreign Language: French
- Travel Agency and Event Management Project
- Training and Career Guidance
- Business and Entrepreneurship
- In-house Training
- Official Amadeus Spain Training Certificate
At Euroaula, we offer our own study-abroad Erasmus+ Programme. We offer students the opportunity to study and complete a work placement in various countries around Europe and the rest of the world.
Our HR and Work Placement department is responsible for managing the international placements completed by students of the Higher Diploma programme.
- We carefully select the companies where students can complete a work placement according to their programme studies, valuing those whose working language is preferably English or French.
- International placements last at least two months.
- We advise students on the European Erasmus+ grant application process. The grant amount depends on the country where the work placement is performed.
- By undertaking an international placement, students are recognised to have successfully completed the In-house Training module, and the company issues a certificate of the placement.
Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management Access and Enrollment
- Secondary School Diploma
- Have successfully completed a cycle of Higher Vocational Training
- Intermediate Vocational Training cycles in some areas
- Entrance Exam
- Officially recognised foreign studies

Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management
- Office manager in travel agencies
- Department manager in travel agencies
- Travel agent
- Travel consultant
- Event organiser for fairs, congresses and conventions
- Hosts/Travel attendants (train stations, airports and ports)
- Sales representative for travel services and scheduled tours
- Promoter for travel and tourist services
- Booking department specialist
- Travel planner
- Travel organiser
Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management Job Opportunities & Internships
We have our own HR Department and Job Bank, which assist students in finding a job in the hotel and tourism industry, guiding them on their entry into the job market, and advising them in preparing and planning their career.
We also offer a personalised placement programme where students can apply the theoretical and practical knowledge they have acquired during their training.
Students attend sessions on how to prepare their résumé, perform mock interviews and receive career guidance.
Furthermore, we organise the Talent Day, a specific event to which we invite important sector companies to the school to interview and recruit students for the various placements available.
This service is offered at the end of the first year of the Higher Vocational Diploma and continues to be made available to students who have completed their studies through our Euroaula Alumni network.
Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management Faculty
Rosa Domínguez Galcerán
Head of the tourism department and teacher of Introduction to Tourism, Business Management of Tourism Intermediation and Tourist Transport of the Degree in Tourism. Professor of Tourism Market Structure, Tourism Marketing and Synthesis Project at the Vocational Training Studies.
Degree in History of Art and Diploma in Tourist Activities (T.E.AT.)
Carme Aguilar
Professor of Business and Entrepreneurship Initiative of Vocational Training Studies.
Technician in Business and Tourist Activities - TEAT. Business Tourism and Master in Business Administration.
Lluís Codinas
Professor of Human Resources in Tourism Accommodations at the program of Tourism Accommodation Management.
Degree in Psychology of Organizations and Work, and Master in Human Resources Management.
Roger Garcia
Professor of English in our programs: Degree in Tourism and Vocational Training Studies.
Degree in English and Catalan Philology.
Sonia Garcia
Teacher of Amadeus Spain in all training programs.
Trainer Approved by Amadeus Spain and Graduate in Tourism by UOC and Euroaula. Master's Degree in Human Resource Management, EAE Business School.
Euroaula, under the general regime approved by the Spanish Ministry of Education, advises, manages and processes the applications for its students for the following official grant programmes:
- European Union Erasmus+ Programme
- General Mobility Grant for non-university studies from the Spanish Ministry of Education
Diploma in Travel Agencies and Events Management Resources
From the outset in the Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, students learn in a 100% digital environment. To make studying easier, our students have:
- Access to the University’s Virtual Campus
- Face-to-face and online tutorials with their teachers
- Practical sessions focused on hotel management and travel agency management
- Classrooms equipped with multimedia technology
- Photocopying service.
- Study room, library and break areas
- Access to Wi-Fi network throughout the school
In addition, all our students have access to the leading software programs most tourism companies and hotels operate with, such as Amadeus GDS (reservation management software).
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