Degree in Tourism

Bachelor's degree in tourism in Barcelona
EUROAULA, Barcelona University School of Tourism, offers the Degree in Tourism as a teaching center attached to the University ofGirona (UdG) and adapted to the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
Tourism is one of the main engines of the economy and a strong source of income in Spain. It is characterized by its ability to generate employment and companies in the sector are looking for competent and specialized professionals.
Degree in Tourism, recognized degree awarded by the University of Girona (UdG). To apply for the Bachelor of Tourism, applicants must present university pre-registration with the code V81036.
The basic study plan for the Degree in Tourism has a total of 240 ECTS credits; therefore, students are recommended to take 60 ECTS credits in each of the 4 years.
At EUROAULA, we train our students according to three key principles:
Teaching quality
Personalized follow-up
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Degree in Tourism Program Summary
Barchelor: Degree in Tourism
Duration: 4 years
European credits: 240 ECTS
Available vacancies: 100
Time: in the morning
Language: Bilingual English-Spanish Degree. We offer 3 hours per week of English classes and a First Certificate preparatory course completely free *, as a Cambridge approved center. (* Except exam fees)
Degree in Tourism Programme Features
To be successful in the industry by acquiring a solid training to face the work environment.
Get an international vision by studying abroad, taking advantage of exchange agreements with 17 universities in our Erasmus + program.
Master international communication by learning up to 6 languages. We are leaders in teaching modules through English, offering a bilingual program and official Cambridge certification.
Access multiple job offers in our internship program and job bank. We are leaders in terms of staff entry among the centers attached to the UdG in Barcelona according to the AQU.
Obtain the official Amadeus Spain certification, mastering new technologies and e-commerce strategies. We are the only center in Barcelona certified with real licenses.
Join our Alumni network and be part of a community of 5,000 successful professionals trained in Euroaula. Attend our conferences, seminars and workshops.

Degree in Tourism Plan of Study
The basic curriculum of the Bachelor of Tourism develops the professional skills that students need to manage companies, projects and people in a competitive, practical and stimulating environment, full of challenges and opportunities.
The Degree in Tourism consists of 240 ECTS credits, and is structured in 4 academic courses, with 60 annual credits. Pre-registration code: V81036
The methodology of the basic curriculum reflects the new educational structure of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), promoting teamwork, open participation and student mobility at the European level.
Since its inception, Euroaula has had a clear and strong international vocation. In an increasingly globalized world, we believe that tourism must play a key role in uniting various countries, traditions and cultures.
For that reason, we offer our own study abroad program. We offer students the opportunity to study and do internships in various countries in Europe and the rest of the world.
Within the Degree in Tourism, students can complete part of their studies in Europe thanks to EU scholarships. Click on the following link to see the universities with which Euroaula has Erasmus + collaboration agreements.
Degree in Tourism Access and Enrollment
To access the Degree in Tourism, applicants must complete the university pre-registration through the website, using the pre-registration code V81036. There are several routes of admission, depending on the student's studies:
Secondary Education Diploma + University Entrance Exam (PAU)
- Higher vocational training cycles
- Officially recognized foreign studies (Certified Baccalaureate Diploma)
- Access exams for people over 25 years old
- Access exams for over 45s
- Access for people over 40 years old
- Diploma / Bachelor's / University degree

Degree in Tourism
Our goal is to provide future professionals with a solid training in the Tourism industry, which allows them to manage companies in the sector, providing knowledge of foreign languages and offering work placements in tourism companies.
- Hotel Director
- Directors of other tourist accommodation options (pensions, campsites, aparthotels, etc.)
- Director of maritime, air or rail transport companies
- Marketing manager in tourism companies
- Specialist in designing and creating tour packages and itineraries
- Tourism consultant
- Travel Agent
- Tour Guide
- Tourism researcher and consultant
- Coordinator of fairs, congresses and events
- Tourist information office and organizer of the center
- Responsible for customer service and public relations
Degree in Tourism Job Opportunities & Internships
We have our own Human Resources Department and Job Bank, which help students find a job in the tourism industry, guiding them in their entry into the job market and advising them on their career preparation and planning.
This service is offered at the end of the first year of the Degree in Tourism and continues to be available to students who have completed their studies through our Euroaula Alumni network.
We are leaders in terms of entry into the world of work, with the highest entry percentages of the Tourism schools attached to the UdG in Barcelona.
Degree in Tourism Faculty
Dafne Solá Parera
Head of Language Department and English teacher.
Doctor in Humanities and Degree in English Philology.
Rosa Domínguez Galcerán
Head of the tourism department and teacher of Introduction to Tourism, Business Management of Tourism Intermediation and Tourist Transport of the Degree in Tourism. Professor of Tourism Market Structure, Tourism Marketing and Synthesis Project at the Vocational Training Studies.
Degree in History of Art and Diploma in Tourist Activities (T.E.AT.)
Our University School is a private institution that does not receive public funding. To avoid that the economic situation of the applicant prevents him from accessing the Bachelor of Tourism program, Euroaula offers several financing options.
In addition, the Academic Secretary will inform you about the steps to follow to apply for the scholarships and grants available to students:
Erasmus + program of the European Union.
Programa Erasmus + de la Unión Europea.
General regime scholarship approved by the Ministry of Education of Spain.
- Euroual Motivation Scholarship (to the best candidates of each year).
Degree in Tourism Resources
From the beginning of the Degree in Tourism, students learn in a 100% digital environment. To facilitate study, our students have:
- Access to the Virtual Campus of the University
- Face-to-face and online tutorials with your teachers
- Practical sessions focused on hotel management and travel agency management
- Classrooms equipped with multimedia technology
- Photocopy service.
- Study room, library and rest areas.
- Access to the Wi-Fi network throughout the school.
In addition, all of our students have access to the leading software programs used by most tourism companies and hotels, such as Amadeus (reservation management) and Bird.

The accreditation of the degree is, as indicated by the AQU on its website,, “the establishment, by means of an on-site visit, that the study program is being delivered as planned according to validation”.
All recognized university degrees must be accredited within six years of validation (or within six years of prior accreditation), in the case of undergraduate and doctorate / doctoral degrees, and four years in the case of master's degrees. Visits to the facilities of the degrees that must undergo the accreditation process are planned jointly by the universities and AQU Catalunya on an annual basis.
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