Differences between Master's Own Degree and Official Master's Degree
If you have arrived here, it is because you have doubts about which Master's degree you need to choose; a self-titled or an official one. It is normal that you have doubts. That is why we want to help you, by giving you some information about the difference between a proper and official degree, and thus, make your choice easier!
Own Master’s Degree
An Own Master’s Degree is an ideal Master's degree for professionalising your work or, training for new job prospects. However, if your intention is to take competitive examinations or apply for public administration competitions, you will have to opt for the Official Master's Degree, as the Master's Degree does not accredit you. Also, does not accredit in case you want to apply for grants MEC (public grants provided by the Ministry of Education) or in case you want to do a doctorate, it does not accredit you either.
The Master's, however, is valid to work in any private company. Moreover, it is valid in Spain but, thanks to the Hague Convention, you can validate it in any of its 87 member countries.
Check out all Own Masters we offer, with a duration of 1 year. You can choose a Master in English or Spanish.
Official Master's Degree
As we have already pointed out, if you wish to take competitive examinations, apply for public administration competitions, make a Doctoral Degree or apply for a MEC grant, you will need to choose the Official Master’s Degree. As Own Master’s Degree do not allow it.
In addition, you will also be able to homologate your degree in another country and you will have more ECTS credits, which means that the Official Master's Degree is longer-lasting than the Own Master's Degree.
Would you like to discover some Official Masters? Here are our Official Master's Degrees, with a duration of 2 years!
Master's Own Degree vs Official Master's Degree
Both master's degrees are good, they have excellent teaching staff, up-to-date material and a lot of content that you will enjoy while you train and specialise in a corresponding area.
If you want to take a competitive examination or do a doctorate, you must choose an Official Mster's Degree. If your idea is to improve your job or find a new job in a private company, any master's degree is perfect!
Did you know that you can choose your Master's degree in Barcelona with us? Choose Euroaula as we have Official Master's Degrees and Own Master’s Degrees. Ask us for more information!

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